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Taxation and compliance

What scares Italian entrepreneurs most when they decide to internationalize is the risk of their decisions being challenged by the Italian tax authorities.

ANTILYA you  can help minimize  this risk, by assisting your business in  difficult task of proper tax planning.

Wherever you decide to run your business, ANTILYA can help you get started quickly and easily

The first question a new customer asks us when he turns to our company to start his process  internationalization is: what risks do I run in the tax field?

Our answer is always the same: no norms or authorities  tax  it may limit your company's freedom of establishment.

But this freedom is granted to you without limitation only if your business  respect  simultaneously all the tax laws of the countries involved.

ANTILYA ensures you full compliance with the regulations of the countries in which it operates, either  tax and corporate, thus minimizing i  risks of sanctions and the involvement of the Directors.

Contact us if you wish  support for:

Our taxation and compliance services abroad

  • Domestic and international taxation

  • Direct and Indirect Taxes

  • Taxation of Corporate Groups

  • Definition of Transfer Pricing policies

  • Drafting of the Masterf File and of the Country Documentation

  • Definition and drafting of intra-group agreements

  • Assistance in  litigation  tax,  in tax audits and audits  by local authorities

  • Taxation of extraordinary cross-border transactions

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